Hello my lovelies!
Well, here we are at Saturday again. I do not know where the week goes. It's been a busy week for Papa and me. Yesterday was the PWA quarterly dinner st the church.
PWA stands for Presbyterian Women's Association and this dinner is attended, not only by the ladies of St David's but by ladies from 'far away' places such as Gatton, Roma, Stanthorpe, Bell...
I had never attended one of these dinners until Peggy extended an invitation last week. I decided to arrive a wee bit early - half an hour - thinking that perhaps I could help with setting up for the occasion. Papa dropped me off and took himself off into the church for the regular prayer meeting that is held there each Friday. When I went into the hall and into the kitchen, it was already a hive of activity. It didn't look as though there was actually much left to do. Long tables were placed in a U position in the hall. They were covered with sparkling white, beautifully ironed (as only Presbyterian ladies can do) tablecloths, cutlery and flowers. It looked amazing. And the food! "Where did all this food come from?" I asked one of the ladies in the kitchen. "It comes from us." she said. There were shepherd's pies, pots of cut up vegetables, pumpkin soup bubbling on the stove, french sticks a-plenty, and lots of dishes with good old apple crumble and custard.
Before Papa and I left to go up the hill, I asked him to cut me some flowers to put in the two toilets so I set to with my secateurs and replaced the old flowers with the new ones. I always think it's nice, especially if there are visitors to the church to have some nice flowers where they wash their hands.
Around 10.30am, after all the ladies had morning tea, (I won't go into all the baking which was done for that, but you can imagine) we all trooped into the church for the devotion and the guest speaker. The lady from Bell who was supposed to do the devotion, couldn't make it as her husband (the minister I think) had taken ill the night before, so we spent some time in prayer for him and then we sang a couple of lovely hymns.
The speaker was from an organisation called Emmaus. Emmaus is an organisation which supplies Bible Studies to folk all around the world. The studies can be purchased, completed and then returned to Emmaus for correction and comments. In Australia, the largest outreach with these studies are the prisons. HERE'S a link to the organisation.

After Bryson had finished his talk, we all returned to the hall for lunch and surprise, surprise, Papa and Andrew the minister arrived to check how things were going :) So, a seat was found for them both and off they went chatting about this and that while they tucked into their lovely lunch. Simone, the minister's wife who periodically looks after babies whose family lives aren't the best, arrived with wee Paul in her arms. She had to take off and pick up her wee girl Emmy-Claire from school, so I took wee Paul while she scooted off to get Emmy-Claire. Wee Paul is a wee darling and Papa had him laughing and laughing as he played "Boo!" with him. By the time Simone arrived back, he had had his bottle and was starting to get a bit sleepy.
After lunch it was back into the church for some more singing and a lovly devotion from an elderly lady about ways we can show Christ in our day to day relationships. She was so lovely and gentle. After she finished speaking, Bryson got up to talk a bit more about Emmaus - this time speaking more about personal experiences the prisoners shared as they approached and completed their studies - especially as they began the studies and further down the track when they had completed some of them and had a greater understanding of what the Good News is about.
While he was speaking, Emmy-Claire was getting a bit fidgety, so I suggested we go for a we walk, which we did. Then it was time for afternoon tea and the mammoth job of washing the dishes from lunch. It was amazing though how fast we got through them. They had already been rinsed so it wasn't too difficult. I washed, Emmy-Claire rinsed and ladies, including Papa who arrived to help with the clean-up dried.
And before I headed for home I plaid a game of tennis with Emmy-Claire. "Is Connie a good tennis player?" asked Simone when we came back from the court. "No!" said Emmy Claire :)
Today is a quieter day with all the table cloths on the line and a bit of ironing to do this afternoon:)
I still haven't told you about last Sunday when Kassandra's wee boy was baptised. It was a wonderfull service.
Beter go and get some of my chores done.
Love Nanxxx PS Because Papa did so much to help with the 'dinner' yesterday, he asked Peggy is he qualifies as an honorary member of the PWA! PPS Five spelling errors!