Wednesday, 25 January 2017


Here's a photograph of Papa putting up a couple of architraves on the window in the library yesterday.

Well, it's all go here at number seven!  Papa's just finished mowing the lawn and is now charging around with the whipper snipper.  I can see where I'm sitting - out on the back deck - and hear the digger next door which is doing goodness knows what but includes going quite deep with its front shovel in the back garden.

The painters have arrived and are spreading out all the dust sheets again and the air is getting full again of the smell of paint.

Molly isn't happy tied up here beside me and is thinking "Oh no!  Not another day like yesterday!"  She doesn't like being tied up as she is unable to keep everything in order beyond the fence :)

I'm not sure what I'm going to do today with everything all higglty pigglty.  And it's to be very hot again today which makes it almost impossible to do much anyway.  I've just checked your weather for Wednesday.  You're to have a top of zero and a minimum of minus four so make sure when you head off to school that you are super warmly wrapped up.  Mama said that your bus trip to school is beautiful as it travels through gorgeous countryside.  The next time she or Dada take you to school Liliane, would you ask them to take a photograph for me and then I can imagine what your daily journey to school looks like from the window of your bus.

How is your gymnastic course going?  Have you been able to do any new gymnastic-type moves? 

Have you heard from your Daddy yet?  Has he arrived safely?  If he sends any photographs, would you get Mama to send one through.  I've just checked what language they speak in Ethiopia.  It's AMHARIC and looks very strange - lots of squiggles. 

It's just after 4.00pm and the painters have all gone home.  They'll be back tomorrow morning at8.00am and have said they won't finish tomorrow, it will be Friday before they finish. 

They put some of my chosen colour - Angel Shoes on one of the walls in the library and a short time later I head Christ shouting "Connie!  Could you come and check that this colour is OK?"  And OK it wasn't.  It didn't look at all like the colour on the card and Chris himself agreed.  He took a bit of the colour from the tin and smeared it next to the colour on the card and indeed, it was the same colour.  It was so PURPLE Liliane.  You know how much I love purple, but not this one, no siree!  He tried halving the colour with white and then three quartering it, but no matter what he did we didn't like it.

The final decision after a lot of thought is that we will go with the colour in the hall.  The kitchen is nearly finished and looks more green than blue (it's the same colour as in the guest room and my bedroom) so we didn't want to come in the front door to Brazilian Grey, then another colour in the library and then yet another colour in the kitchen.  So, Brazilian Grey in the hall and the library.  I think it should work well.  There are all the books, the dresser, rug and cream curtains to break it up, so should be fine - fingers and toes crossed.

You can see how the painter was trying different shades of the Angel Shoes colour, but it was way to purple and lavendery.

In this photograph you can see the hall colour - the darker colour and the Angel Shoes.  Do you think we've made the right decision Liliane?  I hope so.  We'll know tomorrow when the library gets the full treatment!

I can hear Papa!  He has just brought the car in.  As always I hope he hasn't run over dear Molly.  But she always goes to him when he opens the gate and jumps in beside him for the ride down the driveway.  When she gets out of the car to greet me, it's as though she has been on a long trip.

Well of for ma wee get-together with Papa in the garden.

efaqrehallahw  xxx  If you turn the 'e's upside down and add two dots above the 'a's this is Ethiopian for Love youxxxx


Hello my lovelies! Here are Wayne and Papa leaving for Geham to put the cross up.  Can you see wee Molly and Spotty Boy looking u...