Wednesday, 8 February 2017


Hello my lovelies

Just home from quilting at Kerrie's.  Papa is making a Nicoise Salade for dinner and he has just made me a wee cup of tea as I sit to write to you both.

The day started with a walk, not with Molly though as Papa had already taken her.  The front steps were all wet after a very brief shower through the night and it was quite misty too.

After breakfast, Papa left for his U3A where they are studying Shakespeare's Hamlet and I had my shower and made myself beautiful for quilting, even painted my toenails!   As I had some time to spare, waiting for Kerrie J to pick me up, I did a bit of my Bible Study for next week.  I had to laugh at part of the reading where Jesus puts a towel around his waist, gets a basin of water and as was the custom then, begins to wash his disciples' feet.  At first Peter is astounded that Jesus would stoop to do something that was considered the job of a servant and when he says to Jesus, "You're not going to wash my feet - ever!", Jesus says to him, "If I don't wash you, you can't be part of what I'm doing." Peter then says "Master! Not only my feet, then.  Wash my hands!  Wash my head!"

As I said yesterday it was Kerrie J's birthday today.  I took some photographs for you with her receiving all her bits and pieces.

She was thrilled with them.  Leona made a delicious orange and almond cake which we ate off gorgeous tiny plates with little silver forks.

Carol finished the binding on a little quilt for her grand-daughter Maddie.

The plan is that it will be a little cot-quilt for her dollies.  Carol originally started the quilt when her daughter Catherine was a little girl.  When Carol started it, it was going to be a wall hanging.  I'm sure Maddie is going to love it, as at the moment, she is using her Muma's dish-towels as blankets for her dollies.

Yesterday, after breakfast, I asked Papa if he would help me move carpets around the house.  I decided that the green carpet in the kitchen area would look better in the library and the plainer colour that was in the library would look better in the kitchen area.  So with sleeves up, we moved all the furniture, rolled up the carpets, swapped them over and moved all the furniture back.  I'm really happy with the change.  What do you think?  I think the green carpet really picks up the grass in the picture and the plainer one looks better in the kitchen what with all the colours in the quilts on the walls.

I also brought out one of my wee dolls that Auntie Emma gave me and have added it to the little table beside the couch.

It's been a bit cooler today with the temperature around 30 degrees but Saturday and Sunday are supposed to be around the 38 degree mark - pretty darn hot!!

Well I'm off to do a bit more on my Hebridean quilt.  Have added a couple more hills and have almost finished the trawler.

Love Nannyxxxxx

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Hello my lovelies! Here are Wayne and Papa leaving for Geham to put the cross up.  Can you see wee Molly and Spotty Boy looking u...