Friday, 21 April 2017


Hello my lovelies

I popped down to see Margaret down the street this morning and sat beside her and had a lovely chat. She is keeping really well and always asks after you both.  I was telling her it was the Easter holidays in Geneva and because Mummy and Daddy are working, you are both enrolled in cooking classes. Margaret just loves watching cooking programmes on the television and is looking forward to hearing what sort of things you cooked in your classes.

As I left, Keith cut me a beautiful red rose which is called Poetry.  It smells divine.

On my way home, Lawrence the Builder who has been working on the renovations next door was loading his trailer with lots of off-cuts of wood.  "You look tired Lawrence." I said.

"I am!" he said.  I think once he's finished this job he will probably take some time off before starting the next one.  I went home and grabbed the camera to take some photographs for you.

How do you like these tiles in the ensuite?

Pretty snazzy.  I don't think I would be brave enough to use them though.

This is taken from the street.  Lawrence has pulled the front gable out further, built a carport and a new verandah.  The master bedroom at the back of the house is an addition too.  You can see a bit of it down at the end of the house on the carport side.

The house has been sold to a young couple with two children.  One of the children is called Matilda which I think I may have already told you about.  Can you see the paint colours on the boards at the front.  I think they have decided on the paler grey with windows, doors and trims in white.

This picture is looking towards the front main window.  The small window overlooks our garden.

This photograph is taken from the front windows looking towards the kitchen and laundry.  The door on the left is the laundry door leading on to the back deck and the door on the right is another door leading on to the back deck.

The doors to the right lead into bedrooms.

This is the main bathroom which is on the right looking down towards the kitchen.

This is taken from the master bedroom, looking out on to the deck which overlooks our garden. There is also a door into this bedroom just past the kitchen on the right.

View from the back deck looking over the fence into our garden.

Love Nanxxxx

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Hello my lovelies! Here are Wayne and Papa leaving for Geham to put the cross up.  Can you see wee Molly and Spotty Boy looking u...