With a lot of persuasion to my mum and a tight squeeze! And Dad having to fit a lot into what seemed like a very small car! But it was worth it. I took the girls down to the pool every day. They loved it.
Love it! "...took the girls down to the pool every day."
And...very understanding parents!
Hello my lovelies! Here are Wayne and Papa leaving for Geham to put the cross up. Can you see wee Molly and Spotty Boy looking u...
With a lot of persuasion to my mum and a tight squeeze! And Dad having to fit a lot into what seemed like a very small car! But it was worth it. I took the girls down to the pool every day. They loved it.
ReplyDeleteLove it! "...took the girls down to the pool every day."
ReplyDeleteAnd...very understanding parents!