Tuesday, 3 October 2017


Hello my loovelies

I'm so pleased with my roses this year.  I was a bit worried when I stood back to look at them after I had finished pruning them in June.  "Oh dear!" I said to Papa.  "I think I may have overdone it."  But Papa assured me that they would all burst into bloom come Spring and so they have.

Every year before I start the pruning process of my climbing roses, I always check again the process.  This year I took note of the fact that if you tie your climbing roses in a horizontal position, you will get more flowers.  So, as you can see above, I even tied some of the canes down the banister rail at the side steps.  

When I was taking these photographs I noticed this surprise.  A year or so ago, we replaced one of the Pinkie's with a red climber and had forgotten all about it.  What a surprise it was when I pointed the camera to take this photograph.

Parrots have a gay old time in the tropical birches.

And the dogs enjoying their bones.

Love Nanxxx



Hello my lovelies! Here are Wayne and Papa leaving for Geham to put the cross up.  Can you see wee Molly and Spotty Boy looking u...