Wednesday, 15 February 2017


Hello my lovelies

I'm in Brisbane at the moment, all tucked in in my lovely white bed.

I caught the bus down here this morning and arrived at the bus station around 1.00pm.   After I collected my suitcase from beneath the bus, I made my way to the lift to head down to the car park where Auntie Emma was to meet me.  When I arrived at the car park, I didn't think I was in the right place, so made my way back to the lift and tried another floor.  I did this a couple of more times and then finally when I was waiting for the lift to open and try somewhere else again, who do you think was in the lift when the doors opened?  Yes!  It was Auntie Emma.  Thank goodness!

We gave each other a hug and then walked to the car.  Auntie Emma had packed a picnic for lunch and drove to the park opposite the B&B you all stayed in when you were here at Christmas.

After lunch, we drove to Fergus's kindy.  As we walked up the street chatting, Fergus must have heard us because Auntie Emma heard him say, "That's my Mummy!"

When we climbed the stairs on to the verandah where all the children were having their lunch, Fergus came running to welcome us.  He looked very happy with his friends and he looked as though he had had a very interesting morning as his hands, arms and face were all a light shade of blue.  Apparently the children had been making play dough with food colouring. I think Fergus had been more interested in the food colouring than anything else.

As we left all his friends shouted "Bye Fergus!" and one little boy kept lifting Fergus up and giving him cuddles.  Finally we made our way downstairs to the sounds of someone shouting "I love you Fergus!"


I was finding it very difficult using my IPad in bed last night and had to give up and finish this post today.  I am now sitting at Uncle Michael's big computer.  Fergus has gone for a wee rest with his Mummy.  He has had a lovely day so far.

We began the day with Angus not being very well organised for school and Auntie Emma giving him a 'loud' telling off!  After dropping the boys at school and shouting out the window, "Have a great day!" as we drove off, we made our way to the swimming centre for young 'ns in Rosalie.
This swimming centre has been designed with very young children in mind and Fergus had a teacher all to himself whose name was Ben.  Ben was wonderful with Fergus and managed to get him to do all sorts of things in the water.

On the way home, Auntie Emma stopped to buy Fergus a chocolate, sprinkle marshmallow which is a regular treat after his swimming lesson.

Once we arrived home, Auntie Emma's gardening man Andrew arrived to talk about plants for the back garden.  All the major work has been done in the back garden and all that's left is the planting.  Auntie Emma and Andrew chatted about what to plant and I think they have made their final decisions.  Most of the plants are going to be tropical plants which will suit the Brisbane climate very well.

While Auntie Emma and Andrew were chatting, Fergus, Spot and I went for a wee walk to the park where we all, including Spot, played on the swings.

Once home, we had some morning tea and Fergus settled down on the couch in the front lounge and watched some television.

After lunch, Fergus started going through the birthday cake book deciding which cake he would like Auntie Emma to make him for his birthday which is still months away!  He seems to have settled on a green car with lots of smarties on it.  He took it with him to look at in bed.

Well I shall away.

Hope you are all having a great week.

Love Nannyxxxx

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Hello my lovelies! Here are Wayne and Papa leaving for Geham to put the cross up.  Can you see wee Molly and Spotty Boy looking u...