Wednesday, 22 February 2017


Hello my darlings

Well as you can see with the subject title, I had quilting at Kerrie's today.  We had a lovely time together and I took some photographs for you of the various projects the ladies are working on.  I also took my Hebridean quilt for their comments on the two 'fields' I had made and they have unanimously voted for the first one!  I have my monthly quilting group at Robyn's on Friday, so shall take that one and get help from Robyn regarding the way forward!

Here are the photographs from today.

Here's Val keeking around the side of one of the blocks she is working on.  It is a block depicting a ginger vase and I think from memory there will be a number of ginger vases on this quilt.  Watch this space!

Kerrie J working on her diamonds.  This is going to be a fabby quilt. this space.

Darling Kerrie K who has been working on this quilt for a number of years.  Can you see some of the very small leaves, buds etc in this border?  Yes, this is the border for what is going to be a magnificent quilt.

Dear Lynne who is working with very small pieces of material.  We all gave our opinions on how best to create 'A'!  You could do it this way said one.  Or perhaps this way would be better said another!'s a quilt dear Robyn is working on.  I'm pretty sure these two folk are Robyn and Alan.  Alan closed his eyes on this world some time ago and is now with Jesus.  But I love how Robyn has represented him in this quilt.  I'll send a photograph of it when it's completed.'s dear Carol who has been working with Liberty prints.  Liberty is a company which is based in London.  They have beautiful printed fabrics amongst other things.  The company was founded in 1875 by Mr Arthur Liberty.  The fabrics are just gorgeous - very soft and fine.

And last but not least is what Leona is working on.  Look how she has cut out these hexagons!  Aren't they beautiful and the colours - wonderful.  She has hundred and hundreds of these to make and put together.  Imagine how wonderful it is going to be when it is finished.

Tomorrow is a stay-at-home day.  I hope to do some more weeding in the garden, some work here in the office and perhaps some more work on my Hebridean quilt.

Hope you are all having a lovely day.

Talk soon.



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Hello my lovelies! Here are Wayne and Papa leaving for Geham to put the cross up.  Can you see wee Molly and Spotty Boy looking u...