Hello my lovelies
I'm sitting here at the kitchen table. I can hear Papa practising his guitar. His music teacher is getting his small group learning music theory. This is quite challenging but Papa is always up for a challenge and sets time aside each day to work hard on his homework.
Last night we went out to dinner to Kerrie J's house out at Highfields. She and her husband Richard went for a holiday to Scotland a couple of months ago. I gave Kerrie a list of possible places she and Richard could visit when they were travelling before they left so, it was a great evening to....
I started this on Saturday morning and it is now Monday afternoon! Just when I was in the middle of typing this post, Richard Jessop arrived to pick up our possum trap. He and Kerrie live up at Highfields on a property that is beside something that resembles a ravine. Needless to say they have zillions of possums eating their avocados, oranges AND lemons! Can you believe it? Richard stayed for a cuppa and a chat and while I was making coffee and tea, Papa took him for a wee look around the house. When he was taking Richard out to show him the laundry area, they both heard quite a commotion coming from the house down below - the one where Spencer the dog lives and Molly sometimes barks at through the fence. "I think someone's crying Connie!" Papa said. I left the tea/coffee making and ran down the verandah, out the gate and around to Allan Street and into Spencer's garden. Spencer met me at the gate and I made my way round to the back where sitting outside on her verandah was the lady weeping and wailing. In front of her was her cat which was obviously dead.
"Oh dear!" I said and put my arms around her. She had been up most of the night calling the cat as it sleeps inside at night. Finally in the morning when she came out there was her wee moggie. He had obviously been in some sort of fracas through the night and had made his way home before collapsing and dying.
I picked up Moggie in my arms while Moggie's owner went for a wee blanket. We wrapped him up and laid him on the outside table. We couldn't quite get his tail under the blanket as he had gone quite stiff through the night. I sat with the lady for a while asking her if she would like Papa to take car of Moggie but she said "No! I think I'll take him to the farm and bury him there." I left after half an hour or so and said I would come back in the afternoon.
Came home and had some lunch and as Keith had popped in earlier (before Richard) and I had said I would pop down and see Margaret, I headed down the road. I decided to take the car as I had a shop to do too and the weather was looking quite stormy.
Had a lovely visit with Margaret. Margaret and I had a great chat together. Keith made us both a cup of tea. Margaret always asks how both of you are going so I tell her all about your latest adventures and plans for the summer holidays.
After visiting Margaret, I made my way back to see Spencer's mumma. When I knocked on the open back door, she took a minute or two to come as she had been lying down. I noticed that Moggie was still on the table and that his owner had laid a beautiful Camellia on top of the blanket which covered him. I went in to the kitchen while the lady popped on the kettle. We chatted away about different things, how long she had lived in the area, about her work - she works in the Intensive Care department as a nurse up at St Vincent's. In between talking, she would constantly lift her hanky to her face to wipe away her tears. I stayed for about an hour, inviting her to come for dinner but she said she thought she would just stay home and have an early night.
By this time it was nearly 5.00pm and too late to go shopping so it was back home again. However, when I arrived back home and got out of the car, I could hear her weeping again.
Yesterday we could hear visitors were with her which I assume were either friends or family. I'll keep contact to make sure she's alright.
Yesterday I headed to church in the morning. It was a lovely service. After the children's address, the minister, Andrew, played an audio visual recording of THE GOSPEL SONG which you can hear here.
While I was sitting waiting for the service to begin I felt a tap on my shoulder, turned around and there were Bob and Bev. As we were leaving at the end of the service, I noticed Simone the minister's wife with a brand new baby in her arms. He was so cute all wrapped up in a tartan shawl. Simone and Andrew periodically foster children that for some reason can't stay with their parents and this wee fella is one of those children. Benjamin is only two weeks old and just gorgeous. I had a hold of him, and was showing him off to all the old ladies in the church as though he was my very own baby. One lovely man put his hand on Benjamin and said "May God bless you!" He said it so quietly and meaningfully I was nearly moved to tears.
As I had walked up the road to church, Bob and Bev drove me home and stayed for a cuppa and a chat. After they left, I went and did the shopping which was quite a big shop for the laundry, bathroom and pantry.
Home again with a million bags which Papa helped me bring in. All stuff packed away and time to sit and have a wee glass of white wine. Papa was in the process of making a lovely lunch. After what was quite a late lunch, we settled down and did some reading (I think!)
Here's a photograph of wee Fergus taken when we were at the Art Gallery in Brisbane last week.
Tomorrow Papa and I are heading down to Brisbane for a few days but I will do my best to keep up with the blog and what we are up to.
Another book for Mummy and Daddy for their reading list for holidays. I've just started this one and it's great.
Love Nanxxxx
What a lovely, kind lady you are, Connie. You have brightened so many people's days.