Hello my lovelies
I'm thinking that when you read this you may be finished school for the summer. Two whole months ahead of you! Wonderful!
Mumma sent through a video of you singing Freya. You all looked wonderful in your summer gear and your singing was beautiful. Watched it at least six times!
Mumma also sent through a photograph of you Liliane. You were wearing a white coat and you were talking to the class. I think it may have had something to do with Science.
Well, it's been a busy day here at Number Seven.
Keith popped in just as I was finishing breakfast. He brought us a lovely loaf from the deli on the corner of Hume and Herries Street. Papa immediately started cutting it up and made us some delicious toast with marmalade.
After Keith left, I hung out the washing, cleared up the kitchen and then hauled out the vacuum cleaner to give the place a bit of a vacuum. Just as I was picking up stuff off the floor, Papa said "Connie! Would you look after the dogs while I take the car out?" Because I had been working very hard in the garden yesterday and had created about ten piles (I kid you not) of rubbish, he had to make two trips to the dump to get rid of it all. I put both dogs on their leads and went out to close the gate after he left. As I was closing the gate, Connor, a young mum from around the corner was slowly walking up Kenneth Street with her two children Robert and Isolde (I think that is the little girl's name). "Hi Connor!" I said. "Would you like to come in for a cuppa?" which she and the children did. Isolde is four and wee Robert is two.
Connor is from Canada originally. I think her husband is from New York. Before coming to Australia six years ago, they both lived in New York, Connor working in Manhattan and her husband Colin working in something to do with Economics. After coming to Australia, Colin decided to study Medicine. He has finished his medical degree and is now doing his Specialist training in Psychiatry.
While we were sitting out on the verandah, Isolde, who was sitting on my lap said, "My mummy's got a baby in her tummy." And yes, Connor confirmed she is expecting another baby which is due in January. Unfortunately she is feeling quite sick being the early weeks of the pregnancy, but as she's about to hit the twelve week mark in about ten days, she's hoping by then that she will feel a lot better.
When they were ready to head home, I put both the dogs on their leads and walked part of the way with them.
Then it was back home for a late lunch and sleeves up to finish all the housework.
Tomorrow should be a quieter day - perhaps some sewing and some work here in the office.
Well my dears, have a wonderful time down south. Hope the trip doesn't seem too long for you both. Keep reminding Mummy and Daddy to send us photos. We love to see what you're all up to.
Love Nanxxxx
A peaceful, simple day.