Monday, 31 July 2017


Hello my lovelies

It's been a busy time here at number seven.  Papa and I arrived home on Saturday afternoon after our visit to Brisbane.
I unpacked while Papa popped down to the supermarket to pick up a cooked chicken which Papa served up with some lovely roast vegetables.
The evening was spent watching television and just relaxing.

On Sunday, we went up the hill to church.  Our minister Andrew has been off for a few weeks on long service leave so it was great to see him back again.  

At present, he is preaching on the book of Mark.  We have now reached Chapter 4 and the reading took in the Parable of the Sower.

He started his sermon off by talking about a famous film MOBY DICK starring Orson Wells.  The film MOBY DICK was originally a book.  In one particular scene, Orson Wells is preaching from a very unusual pulpit, one that is quite symbolic of the main subject matter of the film - the sea and the whaling ships that sailed on it. 

 The story tells of the obsessive quest of Ahab, captain of the whaler the Pequod, for revenge on Moby Dick, the white whale that on the previous whaling voyage bit off poor Captain Ahab's leg at the knee.

Andrew described the pulpit from the film which I think is actually in a church somewhere in America.  Here's a picture from the film.

Wow!  Imagine having a pulpit like that. It would be a very effective pulpit for a fishing community.  Andrew went on to say that he wasn't suggesting that we build him something similar.  He said he was very happy with his pulpit as it was, thank goodness.  I couldn't help thinking what kind of pulpit we could build for him that would by symbolic of Toowoomba and its community.  All ideas greatly received.

What he went on to describe was how Jesus in Mark chapter four preached from a similar pulpit that the great actor Orson Wells was preaching from - but this time the pulpit was a real boat on the Sea of Galilee. 

Perhaps you can read it, have a think and let me know of you have any thoughts about the Parable of the Sower, the sermon Jesus preached that day.

Love Nanxxx

1 comment:


Hello my lovelies! Here are Wayne and Papa leaving for Geham to put the cross up.  Can you see wee Molly and Spotty Boy looking u...