Tuesday, 1 August 2017


Hello my lovelies.  I took this photograph while I was having my morning cuppa on the front verandah.  I just love the view over to this house across the road.  It makes me feel as though I am in a Darcy Doyle painting.  Here's one of his paintings to give you an idea of what I mean.

After my cuppa, it was time to get on the gardening gloves.  I needed to clean out a couple of ground covers that had become very 'woody'.  After taking out a lot of old stuff, they look a bit forlorn but I'm sure after a week or so and some rain they will perk up and give us lots of enjoyment in the Spring, which, as I look at my calendar is only one month away.  After tidying up the small shrubs, I weeded the nature strip and was too exhausted to do much else after that.

Do you like this photograph I took this morning of the magnolia in the corner of the garden at the front.?

I think this must be the best flowering we've seen while we've been here at number seven.  Glorious!

The cumquat-in-a-pot is looking wonderful too.  As you can see, the cumquats are ready to pick.  I have found a recipe where you soak them in brandy for a few months and then serve them with ice-cream in the summer.  Watch this page!

As you can see from this photograph, I've pruned my roses to literally an inch of their lives.  I watched a Youtube video on pruning climbing roses.  One of the things they said was that in order to get a really good flowering it's a good idea to try a keep the canes as horizontal as possible.  Here I have wound this one around the banister on the stairs into the garden.  Again, watch this space!

And here we are with the tools all ready and...

cushions on the chairs for when it's time for a wee rest.  

I have now finished the gardening for the day and haven't managed to have a rest yet.  Papa is out this afternoon at his guitar class and is going out again this evening.  He, Andrew the minister and a few other men are taking themselves off to the cinema to see the film DUNKIRK.  I've heard it's very good and plan to take myself off to see it sometime this week.

I'll away and make a cuppa and have a sit-down on one of those chairs.

Love Nanxxx


  1. Nan, you should be a photographer your pictures and your garden are splendid. I did not know that you grow cumquats. When did you plant them? I love your gorgeous garden.

    1. Well thank you Liliane. I must say I do enjoy taking photographs. Papa planted the cumquat in a pot a couple of years ago but it has taken the plant all that time to actually produce fruit. The pot is just at the bottom of the steps outside the side verandah kitchen door so everytime we go into the garden that way, we see the lovely golden fruits.



Hello my lovelies! Here are Wayne and Papa leaving for Geham to put the cross up.  Can you see wee Molly and Spotty Boy looking u...