Tuesday 24 October 2017


Hello my lovelies!

Look at what Robyn has been working on!  Isn't it just gorgeous?

I haven't managed to take a good close-up of her little blocks.  You can see some of them at the bottom of the quilt.  Robyn has appliqued flowers on to the whitish diamonds and then she has embroidered lots and lots of lazy daises around the flowers.

I just love her tree, the leaves, the lady and her bonnet and of course the washing.

Some more lazy daises around the lady and don't you just love the old-fashioned washing line?  Robyn has one of those in her garden.



  1. Hi Nanny
    This is Freya, I think Robyn's quilt is amazing. It must of taken a lot of work. As for yours, It is extraordinary all those bright colours blinking up at an observer. Magnificent.
    I have started working on one of the quilts from the pattern you bought me. I am only doing a baby size quilt because wool costs a lot here. I am doing it in four different pinks; a bright pink berry colour, a light rose pink, a pale brownish pink and a darker brownish pink.
    We got the wool from a tiny sewing/knitting shop a small walk away from our house. The lady their knitted and crocheted lots of things. Liliane is planing on getting some very thick wool to make a rainbow colour snood.
    All the best and Have fun sewing.
    Tu me manquera. (I miss you)

  2. Hi Freya
    I'll let Robyn know you have commented on her beautiful quilt. I just love it. Glad you liked my quilt too. The materials were very different to what I usually work with but that made for a quite different experience in the making of the quilt and the final result. :) You'll have to send me foties of the progress on your baby quilt and I think a snood is a very good project considering your winter is on its way. xxxx



Hello my lovelies! Here are Wayne and Papa leaving for Geham to put the cross up.  Can you see wee Molly and Spotty Boy looking u...