Wednesday, 21 February 2018


Look what Kerrie's working on!

Isn't it just gorgeous?  This is one of nine blocks for a quilt that she is making for her new grandson James.

As you can see by the needle which is still in her work, it isn't finished yet.  I'll try and get photographs of some of the other blocks to send you.

Some photographs came through this morning of the beautiful powdery snow you are ski-ing and tobogganing on.  It looks wonderful.  The path that has been cut through the snow into the woods looks as though it would take you on a walk you would never forget.  And I loved the river too.

All well here.  We've had some rain and yesterday a cool change came through after three weeks of very, very hot weather.  We are all enjoying having a breather from the heat and seeing the town green up again.

Trust you are singing some wonderful songs such as this one too as you sail through the snow.

Love Nanxxx

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