Friday, 11 August 2017


Hello my lovelies

Yesterday, after lunch, Papa and I decided it was time to take all the lemons off the lemon tree and tidy the tree itself.  Well actually, it was me who decided.  Papa was reading and after I washed the lunch dishes, I went into the garage and hauled out the stepladder.

Papa soon joined me.  "Oh! my goodness Connie!" he said.  "I wondered where you had got to."

So Papa got one of his strange tools that is designed to cut very high branches that you can't reach.

While he was doing that, I was using the secateurs to cut off the lemons.  The reason for cutting the lemons off the tree is that the tree is starting to blossom in readiness for next year's fruit and 'the book' says that now is the time to take off the lemons.  I just hate doing this as, as you can see, there are trillions of them and in a few weeks, we'll be having to buy them from the supermarket.

I've filled a glass bowl with them and this is sitting next to my kitchen sink.  Each time I fill the sink up to do a washing up, I slice up a lemon and squeeze the juice in and then throw the lemon in too.  This makes the washing up smell lovely and any grease just falls off the plates.

Some lemons for the neighbourhood.  The bucket's half empty today.

A few gin and tonics in this lot.

Love Nanxxx


  1. You should not be climbing a ladder.

    Any way i wish i was there to help you finish them. Gosh Lucky nabeers some fresh free lemons i wonder if you will get some feed back.

  2. I knew someone would pick up that I shouldn't have been up that ladder :) I DID get some feedback LiliyPiliy. Someone stopped and shouted something to me while I was sitting quilting on the verandah. Because I couldn't hear what she was saying, I went out to the front gate and she said, "It's a long time since I've had lemons from this house." She is a friend of the lady who owned the house before us. "Would you like to have a look around inside?" I asked her. She was thrilled to have a quick tour and I'm sure she would have reported back to the previous owner on all the things we have changed.



Hello my lovelies! Here are Wayne and Papa leaving for Geham to put the cross up.  Can you see wee Molly and Spotty Boy looking u...