Hi Liliane
It's been a lovely day today. It's 5.17pm and I've just come in from the garden after sitting for a wee while with Papa while we both chatted about our day over a glass of wine - well not one glass of wine, we had a glass each!
This morning, only one painter arrived - Corey. He started off by telling me he was going to give the place a good vacuum and then 'start again'. And this is what he did. He cleared away all the dust sheets and proceeded to vacuum all the dust from the previous three days. He then laid down fresh dust sheets in preparation to paint the skirting boards. Papa explained to me that he couldn't paint the skirting boards with all the dust lying around. If a gust of wind had blown and blown dust all over his newly painted skirting boards he would have had to wait until they dried, sanded them all off and started again, which of course would most likely have added an extra day to his work.
Here's a picture of Corey vacuuming.
He's in the kitchen/family room in this picture, so you can see some of the paintwork. Unfortunately, the air-conditioner now looks a bit 'old' with all the new paintwork around it.
After Corey arrived which was around 8.30am, I headed off for a shower and got ready for my first quilting of the year at Robyn's.
I was the first to arrive but others arrived soon after.
I took the Hebridean quilt with me and got started with the fishing trawler and managed to get it pinned on and ready to applique. Picture before...and
It was lovely catching up with my pals and seeing what they have been working on over the Christmas holidays. I myself have done very little as I find it quite difficult to sew in the hot weather and when I try in the evenings, I end up sewing insect wings into my work!
Robyn has been working on various blocks representing stories from the Bible. This one of the Nativity took my breath away. To begin with, I didn't notice what she had used as the stable. I just looked at the block and said "Oh! That's just gorgeous" and then I realized what she had done for the stable and said "Oh my goodness! That's amazing!" It gave me goosebumps Liliane. It's a wonderful thing to look at a piece of work, whether it be sewing, art, wood etc and see the thoughts the creator of the piece of art has had in their minds when they have made it.
Robyn's friend Pam who lives in Ipswich - on your way to Brisbane - brought the beautiful quilt she is making. It is a design of Robyn's but Pam has made it her own by doing it slightly different to Robyn. Where Pam has made a lyrebird, Robyn had a chook. Here's Pam's lyrebird.
Don't you just love it? What about that tail? This particular quilt features quite a lot of birds.
Look at the size of these borders? The work in this quilt is enormous.
Here's another photograph of one of Robyn's biblical stories - the ark.

We all had a lovely day. Papa came with Molly to pick me up in the afternoon. Robyn's dog Henri just loves it when Molly comes to call and after Molly had given me a lovely welcome, she and Henri had a wee play together.
Tonight Anne Green is picking me up to go to a garden club. I've never been before so will let you know how it goes.
Well my dear, I'm away to make some scrambled eggs on toast for tea. We still can't do a lot, even though the painters have finished. The skirtings are still pretty sticky, so we'll leave everything and see how things are tomorrow. I don't want to start moving dust around the place :)
Love Nanxxxx PS Robyn read this out to the group...
You should learn that you cannot be loved by all people.
You can be the finest plum in the world...
And offer yourself to all...
You must remember that there will be people who do not like plums!
You must understand that if you are the world's finest plum and someone does not like plums, you
have a choice of becoming a banana.
BUT, you must be warned that if you choose to become a banana, you will be a second-rate banana.
You must remember that there will be people who do not like bananas.
Furthermore, you can spend your life trying to be the best banana
(which is impossible if you are a plum) or:
you can seek again to be the best plum.